
[win8 开发学习笔记 ]关于编程模式和C++/CX语言



windows8 两种编程方式


2.使用WRL + C++

public ref class 可以用来在wrt组件中传递,而标准c++则不能

The Visual C++ component extensions (C++/CX) supports user-defined reference classes and structs, and user-defined value classes and structs. Public forms of these types can be passed between Windows Runtime components and apps, whereas standard C++ classes and structs cannot.

ref class 可以与 std C++ 混编

You can freely mix standard C++ types and functions in a ref class. However, between Windows Runtime components, you can pass only public ref classes, ref structs, value structs, and value classes.

ref class 通过引用计数实现垃圾回收

Reference types are implemented as reference-counted pointers to Windows Runtime objects. C++/CX automatically modifies the reference count (ref count) of an object when it is instantiated, copied, set to null, or goes out of scope. When the reference count becomes zero, the object’s destructor is immediately invoked just as in any C++ program. There is no separate garbage collection mechanism in C++/CX

public ref class 的定义形式,一般是为了达到能够将这个对象在其他5种语言中使用的目的。vc++提供隐含转型功能,所以开发的典型模式是ref class内部使用std c++代码编写,然后通过转型到公共接口上。

You typically use these extensions in the public interfaces where your code is passing Windows Runtime types back and forth across the ABI to JavaScript, C#, or Visual Basic (or even another C++ module). Visual C++ provides a variety of implicit conversions between Windows Runtime types and standard C++ types. The typical pattern is to use standard C++ types and libraries internally as usual, and convert to Windows Runtime types in the public interfaces.

Only Windows Runtime types can be passed across the ABI boundary.

Only Windows Runtime types can be passed across the ABI boundary. The compiler will raise an error if the component has a type such as std::wstring as a return type or parameter in a public method. If you use the C++ built-in types such as int, double, and so on, the compiler automatically converts them to the appropriate Windows Runtime type—int32, float64, and so on—in parameters and return types of public methods. No such conversion occurs unless you are passing the type across the ABI.For more information, see Visual C++ language reference.

Activatable class 也称作 ref class.一个wrt组件里必须要有一个activatable class.

An activatable class (also known as a ref class) is one that can be instantiated from another language such as JavaScript. To be consumable from another language such as JavaScript, a component must contain at least one activatable class. An activatable class must inherit directly from Platform::Object. For more information, see Type System (C++/CX).

An activatable class must be declared as * public ref class sealed *.

An activatable class must be declared as public ref class sealed. The ref class keywords tell the compiler to create the class as a Windows Runtime compatible type, and the sealed keyword specifies that the class cannot be inherited. A class must be sealed to be consumed by JavaScript.

基础数据类型可以通过隐含转换(implicit conversion)到Windows Runtime Type

    // Implicit conversion of return value to equivalent Windows Runtime type.
    double LogCalc(double input)
        // Use C++ standard library as usual.
        return std::log(input); 
    //Call a method
    var num = nativeObject.logCalc(21.5);
    document.getElementById('callmethod').innerHTML = num;

用户自定义的数据结构,可以通过封装成 value struct 或者 继承IPropertySet来传递

    // Custom struct
    public value struct Batter
        String^ Name;
        int Number;
        double BattingAverage;

    Public ref class LangSample
        MyData batter_;
        property Batter 
            Batter get(){ return batter_; }
    var myData = nativeObject.batter;
        document.getElementById('myDataResult').innerHTML = myData.name + " , " + myData.number + " , " + myData.battingAverage.toPrecision(3);

Delegates and events 更像是function objects

A delegate is a Windows Runtime type that represents a function object. You can use delegates in connection with events, callbacks, and asynchronous method calls to specify an action to be performed later. Like a function object, the delegate provides type-safety by enabling the compiler to verify the return type and parameter types of the function. The declaration of a delegate resembles a function signature, the implementation resembles a class definition, and the invocation resembles a function invocation. A delegate instance can also be created "inline" by using a lambda expression.

    namespace mycomp
        public delegate void PropertyChangedHandler(Object^ source, int i);

        public ref class sealed LangSample
            event PropertyChangedHandler^ propertyChangedEvent;        
            // Property that has custom setter/getter
            property int PropertyA
                int get() { return _propertyAValue; }
                void set(int propertyAValue) 
                    if (propertyAValue != _propertyAValue)
                        _propertyAValue = propertyAValue;
                        propertyChangedEvent(this, propertyAValue);
    // Define an event handler method
    var singlecasthandler = function (ev) {
        document.getElementById('singlecastresult').innerHTML = ev;

    // Subscribe to the event
    nativeObject.onpropertychangedevent = singlecasthandler;

    // Set the value of the property and fire the event
    nativeObject.propertyA = 2 * propValue;


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